
Home » Donations

If, you would like to Donate, you can contribute in Sponsor a Meal, Medical , Kind, Resources and Cash. All your donations and contributions will have a real and long lasting impact among old aged people.

Bank Details :

Account No : 02612200017013
Account Type: SBA
IFSC code : CNRB0010261

You can also Donate in following ways :

Sponsor a Meal

You may sponsor meals for the residents of our Home to celebrate Happy occasions of you and your loved ones like Birthdays, Wedding anniversaries, Birth of a child, Marriage,House warming and Success in business, Getting a new job, Exam results and for other happy occasions. You may also sponsor meals in memory of your dear ones.
Sponsoring special meals on the days of festivals will be highly appreciated.

Donate towards Medical intervention

A lot of importance is given to ensure that all the residents are in good health in the homes.As the residents of our old age home are in their sunset years, they have lots of health issues.We provide medical treatment to enable them to keep good health.

Donate in kind

You can help the underprivileged not only with money, but by also contributing Groceries, Furniture,Clothing, books, etc. Please contact us if you wish to help.

Donate in Memory

You could honor the memory of loved ones by touching the lives of elderly persons from the weaker segment of society.Their gratitude and prayers for the selfless gesture would bring peace to their souls.

Please Contact us in advance for sponsor meal, medical and kind donation.